Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saving the Dumb Animals

The other day we had some soda cans in the house. Once most of them were gone, it was time to dispose of the plastic device that holds the six-pack together. Out of habit, I got the scissors and started to cut it up. I had been taught that you should do this so that fish don't get caught in it and ultimately die.

I got to thinking, if an animal is dumb enough to think that a plastic can holder is food, maybe said animal is not cut out for survival in the wild. Regardless of your thoughts about evolution, it's obvious that a certain amount of "survival of the fittest" occurs every day in nature. Those that are bigger/stronger/smarter live and reproduce - leading to an improved species in the next generation. So if you think about, by weeding out the dumb ones, we are really doing the animal kingdom a favor. Those of us at the top of the food chain should not have to inconvenience ourselves to enable the weakest. I'll bet that the dumbest animals don't taste as good either :-)

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