Saturday, January 16, 2010

You say you want a resolution...

I'm not normally one to make formal new year's resolutions. But this year, I thought it would be a good idea (even if I'm half a month late). Here goes:

1. Reading. In 2009, I cut back significantly on TV watching and spent more time reading. I resolve to continue to do so in 2010. My goal is to read at least 24 books (2 per month). Of that total, I plan to read at least 6 "classics". (I have a loose definition of classics. Basically, it's the books they make you read in school but you don't appreciate at the time.) I will periodically post reviews of books that I find interesting.

2. Blogging. I resolve to update my blog at least once every two weeks. Hopefully I'll have worthwhile things to say...

3. Long-stitch project. When I was a kid, my mom taught me how to long-stitch, which is sort of like needlepoint. I did a couple of small projects, and also a scene of a sunset over a lake - that one is framed and hanging in our house. A long time ago (20+ years), I started another large long-stitch project of a tiger in a snowy field. I recently came across it; it is about one-third finished. It is my goal to complete this project in 2010. After that, I am never doing another such project again :-)

4. Meeting neighbors. Finally, a resolution that will be a challenge for me. I am not a particularly outgoing person; I rather dislike meeting new people. However, I realize that I need to set a better example for my kids; that includes moving out of my comfort zone. To that end, I will make a concentrated effort to get to know some of our neighbors this year. In particular, our next-door neighbors. They have 2 kids who are about the same ages as ours. They've been our neighbors for three or four years; in that time, my wife had one conversation with them. I've limited myself to saying hi and nodding to them. I vow to do better in 2010.

So there you have it. I'll keep you all updated on my progress.

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